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Plastic Industry Awards, Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, London

HBC are delighted to announce the decision of the judges at this years Plastics Industry Awards to award us Processor of the Year 2007.

The event was held this past Friday 15th June at The London Hilton Park Lane. HBC have been running a close second for the past 4 years for this converted award and this year the judges gave us the nod.

This is a business with a solidly growing customer reputation for quality, cost and delivery, with a sound underpinning financial performance.” HBC’s former owner, Germany’s Weidmuller, is still its largest customer but the company is diversifying its customer base and now has some 16 other customers who use its specialist technical moulding and ancillary processes. The judges then announced HBC as winner

Steve Hadlow, Director at HBC, told us ‘We are all delighted that the company as a whole have worked so hard to bring our processes closer to a multi-client environment and now that the Plastics Industry has recognised this is a great achievement. The PIA have tracked our progress over the past 4 years, and each year we have become Finalists after an extensive auditing process looking at financials and output that also includes client views. The whole factory team are very proud of our achievement.’

The basis of the award and the judges views will be printed in PRW, however we had an insight into what the judges were considering. The change in the business has been immense. Multi cultural change, and heavily capital and people intensive. We have lost staff, we have pushed our engineering department into New Business units to be close to client, we have taken over £1 million out of the cost side this past year to meet one major clients cost downs. This achieved with a rational and systematic approach.


Plastic Industry Awards 2006