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HBC releases Client Approved Case Studies Clcik to go back to the news homepage

As part of an 8 part programme, HBC directors commissioned a series of client approved case studies concerning HBC clients, the benefits of supply and the client viewpoint. These studies were written by an independent writer who visited each client to interview them and to write case studies free of the intrusion
of HBC.

Some client quotes from these case studies

'HBC appeared to offer far more than the average moulder. They offered a whole solution including engineering'
Nick Cole, Operations Director, Hornby International

' Where there were problems such as the needle not lining up properly into the gun, HBC went to work and fixed the problems, over just a few days. There was strong interaction and an understanding of our need to solve any issues and we would not hesitate to approach HBC again with other projects. This project is about performance, cost and a strong supply chain'.
Phil Windus, project Marketing, Earlex

'Once I established HBC as a worthy candidate, I sent our quality assessors into the HBC plant. We were impressed with what we saw'
Martin Petersen, senior buyer, MTL Instruments PLC

'HBC are pit-bull like, they are hungry for work and are keen to supply solutions. They appear to hold no secrets and they even declare their margin which we prefer as this is transparent and makes us less likely to challenge prices or view competition.'
Mark Rody, Purchasing Manager, Signature Industries


Close up of platen showing Earlex tool The Engel machine Earlex part showing threads